Toad lilies, Asters, and Enchanted Garden

The toad lilies are all in full bloom now. The Asters are all blooming, and the enchanted garden looks lovely with all the golden rod and Asters in bloom. It’s really nice to have flowers in October. It’s always something to look forward to.

Toad Lily

Enchanted Garden ….Can you see the ghost?

Asters from Russell. They are growing in a pot, and have grown to about 3 feet tall. I love fall asters!

Enchanted Garden


Fall is really beautiful this year. We’ve gotten lots of rain, and everything is blooming. Even the leaves are beginning to change color. Some of the flowers that are blooming in my garden are below. They include perennial aster, White snakeroot, Goldenrod, and buds of toad lily which will be blooming very shortly. Took a trip to the Arboretum today for a little walk with my friend, Dagmar.

Lovely purple aster from Russell
White Snakeroot
Annual purple salvia
Toad lily buds

A beautiful day at the Arboretum